Rotator Cuff Tear Pain & Diagnosis

 What is a Rotator Cuff?

The “rotator cuff” is a group of 4 muscles and tendons that are responsible for keeping the shoulder joint stable.

Unfortunately, injuries to the rotator cuff are very common, either from injury or with repeated overuse of the shoulder.

Injuries to the rotator cuff can vary as a person ages.

Rotator cuff tears are more common later in life, but they also can occur in younger athletes and manual laborers.

Older adults can injure the rotator cuff when they fall or strain the shoulder, for instance, when walking a dog that pulls on the leash.

When left untreated, this injury can cause severe pain and a decrease in the ability to use the arm.

These 4 muscles and tendons connect the upper-arm bone, or humerus, to the shoulder blade.

The important job of the rotator cuff is to keep the shoulder joint stable, but sometimes, the rotator cuff becomes inflamed or irritated due to heavy lifting, repetitive arm movements, or a fall.

A rotator cuff tear occurs when injuries to the muscles or tendons cause tissue damage or disruption.

Rotator cuff tears are called either “full-thickness” or partial-thickness,” depending on how severe they are.

Full-thickness tears extend from the top to the bottom of a rotator cuff muscle/tendon.

Partial-thickness tears affect at least some portion of a rotator cuff muscle/tendon, but do not extend all the way through.

Tears often develop as a result of either a traumatic event or long-term overuse of the shoulder. These conditions are commonly called acute or chronic:

  • An acute rotator cuff tear is one that just recently occurred, often due to a trauma such as a fall or lifting a heavy object.
  • Chronic rotator cuff tears are much slower to develop. These tears are often the result of repeated actions with the arms working above shoulder level—such as with ball-throwing sports or certain work activities.

People with chronic rotator cuff injuries often have a history of rotator cuff tendon irritation that causes shoulder pain with movement.

This condition is known as shoulder impingement syndrome (SIS).

Rotator cuff tears also may occur in combination with injuries or irritation of the biceps tendon at the shoulder, or with labral tears (to the ring of cartilage at the shoulder joint).

How does it feel?

R.C. tears can cause:

  • Pain over the top of the shoulder or down the outside of the arm
  • Shoulder weakness
  • Loss of shoulder motion

How is it Diagnosed?

Your SportsCare Physical Therapist will review your health history, perform a thorough examination, and conduct a series of tests designed specifically to help pinpoint the cause of your shoulder pain.

We will also perform specialized tests–such as the Hawkins-Kennedy impingement test, Neer’s impingement sign, and the external rotation lag sign– to diagnose an impingement or a tear.

For instance, your therapist may raise your arm, move your arm out to the side, or raise your arm and ask you to resist a force, all at specific angles of elevation.

These tests may cause you to feel some temporary discomfort, but don’t worry—that’s normal and part of what helps the therapist identify the exact source of your problem.

In some cases, the results of these tests might indicate the need for a referral to an orthopedist or for imaging tests, such as ultrasound imaging, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or computed tomography (CT).

Once a full-thickness rotator cuff tear develops, you may need surgery to restore use of the shoulder or decrease painful symptoms. Physical therapy is an important part of the recovery process.

The repaired rotator cuff is vulnerable to reinjury following shoulder surgery, so it’s important to work with a physical therapist to safely regain full use of the injured arm.

After the surgical repair, you will need to wear a sling to keep your shoulder and arm protected as the repair heals.

Once you are able to remove the sling for exercise, the physical therapist will begin your exercise program.

Your physical therapist will design a treatment program based on both the findings of the evaluation and your personal goals.

He or she will guide you through your postsurgical rehabilitation, which will progress from gentle range-of-motion and strengthening exercises and ultimately to activity- or sport-specific exercises.

Your treatment program most likely will include a combination of exercises to strengthen the rotator cuff and other muscles that support the shoulder joint.

Your therapist will instruct you on how to use therapeutic resistance bands.

The timeline for your recovery will vary depending on the surgical procedure and your general state of health, but a full return to sports, heavy lifting, and other strenuous activities might not begin until 4 months after surgery

Your shoulder will be very susceptible to reinjury, so it is extremely important to follow the postoperative instructions provided by your surgeon and physical therapist.

How can SportsCare Physical Therapy Help?

Physical therapy after your shoulder injury is essential to restore your shoulder’s function. Your rehabilitation will typically be divided into 4 phases:

  • Phase I (maximal protection). This phase lasts for the first few weeks after your surgery, when your shoulder is at the greatest risk of reinjury. During this phase, your arm will be in a sling. You will likely need assistance or need strategies to accomplish everyday tasks such as bathing and dressing. Your physical therapist will teach you gentle range-of-motion and isometric strengthening exercises will provide hands-on techniques such as gentle massage, will offer advice on reducing your pain, and may use cold compression and electrical stimulation to relieve pain.
  • Phase II (moderate protection). This next phase has the goal of restoring mobility to the shoulder. You will reduce the use of your sling, and your range-of-motion and strengthening exercises will become more challenging. Exercises will be added to strengthen the “core” muscles of your trunk and shoulder blade (scapula) and “rotator cuff” muscles that provide additional support and stability to your shoulder. You will be able to begin using your arm for daily activities, but will still avoid any heavy lifting with your arm. Your physical therapist may use special hands-on mobilization techniques during this phase to help restore your shoulder’s range of motion.
  • Phase III (return to activity). This phase has the goal of restoring your strength and joint awareness to equal that of your other shoulder. At this point, you should have full use of your arm for daily activities, but you will still be unable to participate in activities such as sports, yard work, or physically strenuous work-related tasks. Your physical therapist will advance the difficulty of your exercises by adding more weight or by having you use more challenging movement patterns. A modified weight-lifting/gym-based program may also be started during this phase.
  • Phase IV (return to occupation/sport). This phase will help you return to sports, work, and other higher-level activities. During this phase, your physical therapist will instruct you in activity-specific exercises to meet your needs. For certain athletes, this may include throwing and catching drills. For others, it may include practice in lifting heavier items onto shelves, or instruction in raking, shoveling, or housework.

If you or someone you know is dealing with this type of injury, go on our website, or text your zip code to 1-844-700-0013 to find the nearest SportsCare location to you!

You can also schedule an appointment by following this link, or come in for a complimentary wellness screening.

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